
So, it’s been another very busy week (wonder if there will ever be one that ISN’T busy?!?! LOL!), but it was pretty easy to come up with something I was grateful for…a new computer! Yup, it was my turn to “upgrade” here in the office.

There wasn’t really anything wrong with my previous computer…in fact, I really dislike change (and am having a hard time getting used to some of the updates to programs I use frequently). But it was time to move to the next operating system and my “old” computer wouldn’t support the changes.


I’m so grateful to work for a company that is willing to provide us with the tools we need to do our job. And I’m grateful for a patient IT guy here in the office that helps me work through moving all my “stuff” over where it belongs and keeping things going…thanks, Bill!

And I can’t help but mention… I’m also grateful for a nice rainstorm yesterday (even if it did mean REALLY slick roads for a while in the morning) and to see the sun for awhile and break the cold inversion we’ve had hanging around for far too long!

Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend! Until next week…