
I decided I needed to still take a turn once in a while to post something I’m grateful for so I don’t get out of the habit of doing it. Our guest bloggers will return next week, but today I get to share something I’m feeling grateful for this week.

My kids (and my husband, since he’s a teacher) are out of school for spring break this week. At the beginning of the week, we weren’t sure if calling it “spring” was very appropriate – we even had some snowflakes on Monday! But now, by the end of the week, it’s pretty obvious that spring has sprung! The temperatures are warming up and the signs of a new season are everywhere.

Spring Daffodils

I have always loved spring. There’s just something about that first bird you hear chirping, the pretty yellow daffodils in front of our house and freshly plowed fields waiting to be planted that gives you hope and reminds you that no matter how long the winter seemed, things are starting over and new again.

My spirits seem to lift as I am reminded that no matter what things I might feel discouraged about or not have done as well as I might have wanted to in the past year that I, too, can resolve to begin again. This has always been kind-of like my “new year’s resolution” time when I try to evaluate where I want to improve and try to do better.

So today I’m grateful for not only the beautiful changing of the seasons, but also the opportunity to think about how I can change my life in the coming year.

P.S. Please ignore the weeds in the picture above…we haven’t started that part of the yard work quite yet! 🙂