
The sun is finally shining here in Idaho with very little wind – it actually feels like spring! I know other areas of the country are not so lucky, but today I’m feeling grateful for the sunshine and warmth!

I also get to introduce you to Fredric Ridenour, our Production Editor, as he shares something he is grateful for this week. He writes:

Ridenour_FredricDue to the fact that for some reason various members of my family have spent the last few months either sick or needing minor surgery, I am reminded how grateful I am for good health.

It is a rarity for someone to go through this life without falling ill or getting injured and finding themselves unable to perform the daily tasks they’re used to. The road to recovery is chock-full of potholes sometimes. Even the boring old head cold can make life miserable. For some, downtime may only last a day. For others, the convalescence may take much longer.

One of my children was in need of some specialized testing, and I found myself wandering the pediatric floor of the hospital. By square footage, I cannot think of a more miserable place on earth. A sick child occupied room after room with a concerned parent or grandparent at their side. It does not matter how much modernization has changed the look of a hospital room; time spent there can be long hours indeed.

My wife and I have been blessed in that we’ve been able to escape with only occasional bouts of the flu or food poisoning, wisdom teeth extraction and even an isolated broken bone here or there. Overall, I have nothing to complain about.

During quiet moments in my home, usually after my children have gone to bed, I have wandered the hallways before retiring myself. It is a good thing to find them sleeping peacefully with no one whining about a tummy ache or running a fever. Life is good when everyone has their head on their own pillow.

And you know something else? My back may be a tad stiff while I write this but, all things considered, I’m feeling pretty good.

Thank you, Fredric! I think our good health is something we often take for granted until we don’t have it. Such a good reminder to appreciate the days we are blessed to feel good!

I just have to share one other thing about Fredric that I’m grateful for – his sense of humor! When I asked him this morning about how he would like his job title to appear, he responded:

What to use, what to use … How ’bout “Chief Honcho?” … no, wait … that’s what I have Production refer to me as … How ’bout “Mr. Incredible?” … no, that’s what I keep trying to have my wife refer to me as (but she refuses) … still thinking …

Coming from someone else, that might sound conceited, but if you know Fredric at all, you know he’s about as humble a person as you would ever meet. But he has such a great way of bringing fun and humor into all of his interactions, you can’t help but feel good when you talk to him. So, thank you for the smiles, Fredric! It really add a bright spot to my days!