
I am learning so much with these blog posts from my co-workers. Not only are they great reminders to me of how much I have to be grateful for, but it’s been fun to learn more about them and the things that are important to them, too! I’m so glad they are willing to share with me and with all of you!

Ward_SarahToday I get to introduce you to Sarah Ward, one of our editorial assistants. She does a lot of work helping with Progressive Dairyman, as well as many office tasks. She shares something she is grateful for:

I think most people can agree that there is no place like home. The scope of things that make a place home is too long to list. Seeing the familiar landmarks, watching the landscape change over time and traveling over those roads you’ve been down a thousand times before.

When I was younger, I thought ‘home’ was a dreadful place, and I felt I was never meant to live my life there. When I was in my mid-twenties I moved 1,768 miles away from my home in Idaho to a new world in the state of Tennessee. At first the change of scenery was exciting, but it didn’t take me long to realize how very far away I was.

Years passed and annual pilgrimages back to Idaho made me start to see things in a different light. That place I had thought was so mundane now held new meaning for me. Moving away from Idaho taught me a hard lesson about how important your home and family are. It taught me that friends and co-workers are great, but they can never be a substitute for your family.

Home - Sarah

When my life took a different turn, I knew it was time to move back to Idaho. I gathered myself up with resolve and crossed back over into Idaho with new appreciation. No longer was it a boring place, it held more promise for me than anything had before.

My brother once called Idaho “The Promised Land” and, in my opinion, he was right. I will live out the rest of my days here. I am grateful I learned my lesson and through my experiences, home is no longer a place to escape from but a haven to return to.

I am grateful beyond measure for my home and family, and my life has opened up in ways I never even dreamed possible. I am a true believer that there is no place like home.

Thank you so much, Sarah! I’m glad you moved back to Idaho and joined us here on the Progressive Publishing team! It is a pleasure to work with you, and I appreciate the reminder of how much I, too, appreciate my home and family!