
“Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”
—Eckhart Tolle

Olsen_Lynn_pdIf you are a Progressive Forage Grower reader, you might recognize the quote above from my most recent editorial. The old cliche’ – the only constant is change – can certainly apply to many things in our lives. And while I do not particularly enjoy change, inevitably when I look back over the course of my life I realize that most of the time the changes that have occurred in my life have been better in the long run, although at the time they might have been very difficult.

Some pretty major things in my life have been changing recently. Again, if you are a regular reader of our print magazine, you know that my job description is changing a bit (read more here), and I will be pulling back from editorial to focus more on my circulation responsibilities.

It certainly wasn’t easy to “let go” of something I enjoyed and something that was a source of personal growth for me. But as our new editor has come on board and is getting trained, I see the wisdom in what my employers have been trying to tell me for the past couple of years. It will be a good thing for the magazine and it will be good for our circulation efforts, not to mention making more time available for other things that should be a priority in my life.

Another major change – and probably the one I’m most grateful for today – is our oldest daughter graduating from high school. It’s the end of one season of our lives and the beginning of another, both for her and for us.

Emily has always been such a joy to have in our family. She is the oldest and the only girl sibling in the home (I’m still a bit anxious about how the family dynamics will change when she’s gone and I’m the only female in the house!). She has always been goal-oriented and self-motivated to get here where she wanted to be in her life.

Even before she started going to school, she loved to learn. But when she started her formal education, she was blessed with wonderful teachers that helped her to excel, not only in the classroom but also in lots of extracurricular activities and also as a person.


Here’s a photo of her from graduation this week. She worked hard in school and was honored as one of only three valedictorians in her class. She gave a wonderful speech and represented herself, her family and her school wonderfully!

I am so proud of her and her accomplishments and know that she will go on to do great things! We will miss her this fall as she heads off to new adventures in her life, but this is definitely one of the changes in life that will bring about good things.

I’m so grateful for all the people that have helped her become the person she is today. I’m grateful for the opportunities that will be coming her way as she starts on this new phase of her life and for the people that will continue to influence who she is and who she will become. I’m grateful to have her as a daughter and look forward to seeing what is in her future! Love you, Emily!

Lynn (LMNO)

P.S. For now, I’m going to keep coordinating the blog posts from members of our team. So, I hope you’ll continue to follow us and read about what they are grateful for each Friday.