
Well, I haven’t heard from our guest blogger yet today, so I guess I’ll take another turn to share something I’m grateful for again. It was pretty easy to think of something today, too!

Olsen_Lynn_pdI’ve been working a lot of hours for the last couple of weeks, ever since World Dairy Expo. We had a great show and were able to talk to a lot of our readers and get them to fill out subscription forms to continue to receive the magazines.

SIDE NOTE: That’s something some people don’t realize…yes, the magazines are free, but we do ask that you request them every couple of years, just to make sure we still have all the contact information correct and that there’s still an involvement with the industry. So, if you want to keep the magazines coming to you, don’t forget to renew here.

Anyhow, we ended up with a big pile of subscription forms to process, and our circulation team wanted to try to hurry and get as many processed as we could to get them updated before mail lists this past week. So it meant some extra hours and a couple long evenings. Well worth it, but the hours do catch up to you.

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I was feeling pretty run down and then came across an article during lunch this week about why our brains need downtime (it’s a long read, but if you’re interested, you can read the complete article here).

The part that really struck me was this:

“People are working so many hours that not only in most cases do they not have more hours they could work, but there’s also strong evidence that when they work for too long they get diminishing returns in terms of health costs and emotional costs,” Schwartz says. “If time is no longer an available resource, what is? The answer is energy.”

That makes a lot of sense to me! We can’t come up with more time, but what we can do is use some of the time we have been given to replenish our energy reserves.

So, today I’m grateful for a day off! My college daughter was home, my husband and three boys had a day off from school after parent teacher conferences, so everyone was actually home for a day!

We didn’t do much of anything. In fact, I even got a nap! But it was a wonderful way to spend a day, and I think I’ll be ready to back to work again on Monday!

Many thanks to my team for ‘holding down the fort’ while I was gone today. And to my employers for letting us take time off when it works best for us and our families. It’s been a good day!