
I can hardly believe another week has gone by! We’ve been making plans for Thanksgiving and talking about Christmas. And I even heard Christmas music on the radio last week! Where has the year gone?!?!

I was also reminiscing this past week as I explained the gratitude blog to one of our team members outside the office (she’ll be sharing something next week), as she wasn’t as familiar with what we’ve been doing. Looking back at all the posts by our staff members throughout the year has been wonderful! I’m so grateful they were all willing to share something of themselves.

The posts have all been different in scope, but it made me realize, again, what wonderful people I work with and how much we all truly do have to be grateful for! Blessing little and big are all around us every day. We just have to stop to recognize them. And this experience of posting something each Friday that someone is grateful for has really brought that to life for me even more.

Today we get to hear from Jackie Brown, one of our circulation team members. Although we don’t get to see her around the office as much any more (she’s a little busy at home these days, as you’ll see below), she is still not far from our thoughts each day, and I’m glad she was still able to participate on the blog.

She writes:

Brown_Jackie_pdThe past year and a half has brought the biggest changes, joys, frustrations, excitement, challenges and blessings to my life.

Its very interesting how we have plans of how things should be. But life doesn’t always go “as planned.” I imagined us living in a big city in California or New York or somewhere like that. Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be living in Idaho, let alone a small town with more cows than people! But living here, meeting the people we’ve met and having the jobs we have, has been a HUGE blessing.

In January of this year we welcomed twin sons into our family after a 13 year struggle with infertility. Oh, the changes and blessings they have brought into our lives!


I am so very grateful for modern medicine. I am grateful for my faith – faith in my Heavenly Father’s plan for me and for our family. I am grateful for prayer. I am grateful for life lessons learned, sometimes the hard way.


I am grateful for the support and love of friends and family. I am grateful for our jobs with a company that is so supportive of families. I am grateful for a loving and supportive husband that has put up with A LOT from me as our quiet lives have been changed so dramatically. I am grateful & blessed to be the mother of two beautiful and healthy boys.

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May we all remember to be thankful this holiday season for the blessings we have. I know I will be!

Thank you, Jackie! It has been an amazing year and a half, for sure – even from the ‘outside looking in’ as I have watched you and your sweet little family! I can’t even begin to express how happy it makes me to see you and Kevin and those adorable little boys together!

We really miss you at the office, but I wouldn’t want you to be anywhere else or doing anything different with your life right now! And thank you for reminding me of the true blessing and joy it is to be a mother!