
We had such a warm, mild fall that I wondered if winter would ever come. But come, it has, this week…and with a vengeance! It has been COLD! We had a nice little snowstorm right before and right after Christmas (which I loved), but then things cleared off and it has just been downright cold!

Jerome, Idaho temperature at about 8:15 am...and not getting much better throughout the day! BRR!!!!

Jerome, Idaho temperature at about 8:15 am…and not getting much better throughout the day! BRR!!!!

So today I’m am grateful for a warm house, warm clothes and reliable vehicles that have started dependably every morning in spite of the temperatures. I’m grateful to have an “inside” job that is nice and warm, away from the outside weather.

And I’m grateful that the long-range forecast shows it warming up a bit in the next few days! Think I’ll go have a cup of hot chocolate…