
Today you get a glimpse of what Alan Leavitt, co-owner of Progressive Publishing, is grateful for. He writes:

alanI am grateful for so many things in my life. Living in a free country is a tremendous blessing. I am grateful for those who have sacrificed all for the freedoms we enjoy today. Every time I take a trip, I enjoy seeing what neighboring cities/towns and states are like – people, places, weather, regional quirks, landmarks, different topography and such. And no matter where I go, I always enjoy coming back home much more than anywhere I’ve visited. Driving into Idaho’s Magic Valley, the sights and smells of irrigated farming and dairy farms, believe it or not, is wonderful to me. It feels like home, and it feels good. I guess I am a real home-body.

Thank you, Alan. And I tend to agree. As cliche’ as it may seem, “there’s no place like home.”