
Whew! It’s hot outside today, and I’m grateful to be in an air conditioned office! And I’m also grateful to be able to introduce you to another member of our staff – Ray Merritt, a talented member of our production team.

He writes:

Merritt_RayI am grateful for my turn to participate in Lynn’s gratitude blog. It has given me an opportunity to reflect on the many things, far to many to mention in a few short paragraphs, that I am grateful for. So I am going to list three of them, in no particular order.

First off, I am most grateful for my dear, sweet wife –  Emily. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in January, and it has been a wonderful 10 years. I most look forward to the time we get to spend together laughing and talking. In today’s world of technology that can sometimes get in the way, it is the quiet moments being together playing a game or sitting watching our three kids play in the yard that are the best moments.

2013-07-27 14.25.43Speaking of my kids, that brings me to number two. There is a children’s song called “Daddy’s Homecoming” that goes like this:

“I’m so glad when daddy comes home, 
Glad as I can be;
Clap my hands and shout for joy,
Then climb upon his knee,
Put my arms around his neck,
Hug him tight like this,
Pat his cheeks, then give him what?
A great big kiss.”

This is my three kids to the letter. But it is not just when I get home; it’s every time I leave the house to go to work or church meetings. My kids are always so sweet to make sure that I know they love me with a hug and a kiss as I leave the house and always remind me to wave to them from the car before I leave the curb. It melts my heart. I love each of them very much.

IMG_0295 copyThird, I am grateful for service. Both for services that have been done on my behalf and for service that I have been able to do for others. 

At the beginning of this summer, my wife and I had the opportunity to document through photos and video a pioneer trek reenactment done for the youth of the Jerome Idaho Stake. There were numerous volunteers that worked for months before and during the trek; our part of the service began with the youth arriving at the church building and capturing the excitement and emotions that transpired during the four days the youth and leaders spent crossing the valleys and hills south of Twin Falls, Idaho.

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I am grateful for these wonderful youth and the inspiring example they are to each other and those around them. We saw numerous examples of service to one anther, and we were blessed to be able to lend our talents in producing an hour long video that each participant will be receiving in the next couple of weeks. 

It always seems that as you serve others somehow there is always a reward – not of money, fame or recognition, but the feeling you get knowing that you have helped someone in a moment of need, or perhaps not even knowing that someone has been praying for help and the Lord puts you on a path to help them.

Thank you, Ray! I’m grateful to know you and your good wife and awesome kids! I really admire your talents and willingness to share them with others. Having seen the amazing video you and your wife produced, I know your many hours of service will be cherished and appreciated by those youth and their families for many years to come!